Let me start off by saying that I am now sick, I finally got the bug. I guess I am lucky, to only have gotten it today and not a few days ago. But nonetheless I do not feel very well and staring at this screen makes my eyes and head hurt...

So this morning was cold. It snowed a lot, well for here, and smart me didn't wear the right clothes to be outside in. Well, no that's a lie. I wore the right clothes, but not enough of them. I was expecting to see Jessica get on at the stop after me and when she didn't I was a little concerned and checked my watch a ton to make sure I was on time even though I knew I was. When I got to the cafe by station I didn't see anyone in our delegation and I was really really worried. It was packed in there and finally I spotted Jessica. So then we were both concerned about the time because it was eight, the time when everyone meets. Shortly others walked in. We were just paranoid for nothing, as usual.
Our train ended up being delayed almost half an hour so I guess it didn't really matter that people got there a little late. It was freezing waiting on the train platform and I did not enjoy it at all. We took the train all the way to Copenhagen, got confused on when to get off but it all worked out. We met up with the Johnsons and some people went off to this NGO thing which they needed their badges for but Beth P, Jessica, and I didn't have outs so we went to the Klimaforum instead. When we were there, Jessica and I did some mesh working with students in Denmark who are trying to make their schools more sustainable. So we got to tell them a lot about SES and how amazing we are haha. But that was really fun, meeting kids our age and younger who want a place like SES. I felt really lucky to be able to talk about SES and I still feel really lucky to be able to go to such an amazing school.
After a few hours of that we went off to lunch, which was a pizza place that we we
nt to last week. Pictured below. It was really good so there were no complains about going again. When we were done we made our way back to the train stations to meet the Swedish teachers to get a tour of Copenhagen. It was really really really REALLY cold and wet outside, but besides that I really like Copenhagen. It was really hard to appreciate it though, because I was so cold and frozen and concerned for the life of my toes, which I could not feel for hours. The picture below is Copenhagen in the snow. Pretty but soooo cold!
We left a bit early from the tour to catch a train. There was lots more to see but we will try to tomorrow when we get some free time in the city. When we got to the train station it was crazy. Trains were being canceled and delayed left and right and thankfully we found a train that we didn't wait thatttt long for. But still, it was cold. When the hundreds of people waiting for the train piled on there was absolutly noooo room for a lot of people to sit down and even more couldn't even move it was so packed. About thirty people stood in an area that was maybe 7 by 8 feet, including all 12 of our delegation. It was crazy. People still tried to pile on and no one could move at all and we were all touching like ten people at once. It sounds horrible but it was a really cool experience I thought. Getting off the train was impossible for some people though because no one wanted to move and give up their spot. Eventually we realize that we were on the right train, one that would go to our stop, and after a few stops enough people left for us to sit down.
So that was basically my night. After the crowded train ride, everyone getting off in Landskrona made their way to the bus and the bus was just as packed. I was still freezing and when I got home I laid in bed with my feet completely wrapped up for about half an hour. I still didn't feel them that well by the time I got up to go get something to eat. I have never been that cold in MN before, it was crazy. Now I am just tired and sick and I'm going to try to get a good nights sleep.
Oh that's no fun being sick and cold, I hope you feel better today